Hungary – Ready Made Companies


No Hungary Shelf companies available. We can help you set up a new company in Hungary.

Requirements for Hungary Company Incorporation:

•    One shareholder and one Director is required
•    Must register for VAT
•    Corporate shareholders are permitted
•    A registered address or virtual office required
•    Minimum share capital is approx. €2000, this is not mandatory
•    An accountant should be appointed prior to the company application (We can provide this service)

Key Features

Hungary is part of the European Union’s (EU) single market and has been part of the EU since 2004. It is a medium sized open economy in Central Europe.

Hungary can be a great place to purchase a business. If structured well incorporation in Hungary can be a tax-efficient solution, with corporate tax rates between 10% and 16%. One benefit of Hungary is that there is no requirement to appoint local shareholders and directors, so the company can be fully owned and controlled by international directors and shareholders.

Purchasing an entity in Hungary has many advantages such as low (in some cases no) capital gains and dividends tax, but Hungarian company formation is not seen as an offshore corporate structure or a tax haven.  Some types of companies will benefit more than others in Hungary. For example a holding company; dividends paid to any resident or non-resident person are legally tax free. Any paid royalties are considered expenditures and can be deducted from corporate profits..

Hungarian Company Registration Process

Procedure to acquire a ready made company

Your chosen directors and shareholders of the new company sign official documents that allow us to make them the directors of your ready made company. We transfer the company into your power and it is ready to trade immediately.

Changing the company name of the Ready Made Company

We can also file a company name change the same day.

Appointing the new Directors

To appoint the directors of your new company you will need to sign official forms that state this. This can also be done through giving us a power of attorney to do this on your behalf.

We will be removed as directors of the company and it will be transferred over to you. You then receive the Certificate of Incorporation , Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company and the Company Secretarial Forms.

Established Ready Made Shelf Companies, sometimes called old shelf or established companies, are dormant / inactive companies that were incorporated in the previous years but have never been active.

Available Hungarian Shelf Companies

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Make An Enquiry

Make An Enquiry About Buying A Hungarian Shelf Company

We cannot currently provide Hungarian shelf companies but can provide new companies quickly and cost effectively. Please contact us for further details.

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