Cyprus – Ready Made Companies


No Cyprus Shelf companies available. We can help you set up a new company in Cyprus.

A Cyprus Ready Made Company includes:

  • Articles of Association / Statutes
  • Registered Office
  • Incorporation Certificate
  • VAT number
  • Bank Account introduction

Key Features

What are the advantages of a Cyprus Readymade?

One of the main advantages of purchasing a shelf company in Cyprus is how quickly it can be done. Upon purchase you will immediately obtain the company number and VAT number relating to the company.

What are the most common types of Cyprus company formation?

  • Private Limited Liability Company (S.P.R.L./B.V.B.A.)

Foreign companies seeking Cyprus incorporation may operate either through a subsidiary (incorporated under Cypriot law) or as a branch (incorporated under the law of the country where the parent is based).

How much share capital is needed for a Private Limited Liability Company (S.P.R.L./B.V.B.A.)?

The minimum share capital for a S.P.R.L./B.V.B.A. is €5,000.

What are the other features of a S.P.R.L./B.V.B.A.?

  • the company has to have at least one shareholder
  • this form of company admits only one director
  • shareholders are responsible only for the assets they brought into the business

What other types of Cyrprus company formation are there?

In addition to a S.P.R.L./B.V.B.A., these types of entity are availble to incorporate in Cyprus:

  • Limited Liability Partnership
  • Branch

Cyprus Company Registration Process

Procedure to acquire a ready made company

Your chosen directors and shareholders of the new company sign official documents that allow us to make them the directors of your ready made company. We transfer the company into your power and it is ready to trade immediately.

Changing the company name of the Ready Made Company

We can also file a company name change the same day.

Appointing the new Directors.

To appoint the directors of your new company you will need to sign official forms that state this. This can also be done through giving us a power of attorney to do this on your behalf.

We will be removed as directors of the company and it will be transferred over to you. You then receive the Certificate of Incorporation , Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company and the Company secretarial forms.

Established Ready Made Shelf Companies, sometimes called old shelf or established companies, are dormant / inactive companies that were incorporated in the previous years but have never been active.

Available Cyprus Shelf Companies

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