Author: raffaele

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Why do I need to provide proof of who I am?

International regulations regarding money laundering and drug trafficking are very strictly monitored. We take these responsibilities very seriously. We are required to operate due diligence with our clients in order to satisfy ourselves of their true identity and the nature of their proposed business.

We undertake this with the utmost professionalism and discretion. Our policy is to ensure that our clients receive the highest level of confidentiality whilst ensuring that international legislation is adhered to.

Call on +44 (0)208 421 7475 or email [email protected]

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What are the advantages of buying a Readymade Company?

  • You are trying to establish a history for your business.
  • You wish to enhance your corporations image with age.
  • You want to build corporate credit which may be easier with age.
  • You want to encourage companies to do business with you. Some companies are more willing to do business with an established company vs a younger company.
  • You may wish to bid for a contract which requires you to establish a company immediately.
  • The time constraints on your business mitigate against a longer process of company formation.
  • You may wish to establish your presence in a country or countries immediately.


Call on +44 (0)208 421 7475 or email [email protected]

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What is a Readymade Company?

Previously formed companies are known by a number of terms, e.g. readymade, shelf, mature, aged, seasoned, companies, corporations, limited liability companies or partnerships or combinations of terms.

Call on +44 (0)208 421 7475 or email [email protected]